Apply for Membership
Thank you for your interest in joining BILD Edmonton Metro! We seek ethical and professional companies to ensure we collaborate with the best in our industry.
Membership with BILD Edmonton Metro offers valuable resources, networking opportunities, and a strong, unified voice for advocacy.
Our application process involves submitting references from two current members, your company’s history, and a description of your business. Final approval is granted by our Board of Directors. We believe that the benefits of our work extend to the entire development industry, and with your support, we can strengthen our collective impact.
Please review our Membership Categories to confirm your eligibility and complete the application.
Builder/Renovator Application
Members involved in housing construction (both vertical and horizontal), and non-residential projects (commercial, mixed-use, industrial, and institutional) are billed based on permits, while renovators are those not pulling new housing permits.
Developer/Core Developer Application
Members primarily engaged in land development, including subdividing, servicing, selling lots and making property improvements.
Consultant Application
Members in relation to the development of residential, commercial, or industrial lands, including planners, engineers, architects, surveyors, environmental service providers or other similar services.
General Member Application
Members may include but are not limited to trades, suppliers, designers, utility companies, underground companies, shallow utilities, road builders, financial institutions, brokers, professional service providers (lawyers, accountants, etc.).
Municipal Member Application
Members from a city, town, county, and municipal district located in the Edmonton Metropolitan Region.
Not-For-Profit Application
Members operating as a not-for-profit or non-profit organization or society in the Province of Alberta.